Each year around the world, almost 40 000 children are born by girls age 15 to 19. These girls may become pregnant as a result of varying situations. Many become pregnant because of early marriage, some during dating relationship while others become pregnant as a reslt of rape. While some of these pregnancies are celebrated with joy and happiness, others especially those of unwed mother are steeped in shame and prejudice. This situation gives more depression that led to baby dumping. Baby dumping is the act of abandoning unwanted baby anywhere without taking care of the baby. Recently, there are lots of reports of babies found buried, dumped in the dumpsters or wrapped in the plastic bags and thrown in the river. Although this action is very immoral, but newborn babies are still being left. So, how to prevent this action from continously happening?
Most of the time, Malaysian parents are shun about speaking to their children about sex and sexuality because they think that the topics are out of bond to the young people. But teenagers they are very curious about the relationship and emotions to the other gender. So, they tend to find the information from peers, internet, movies and magazines that are over romanticized and scetchy at best. This mostly led them to commit adultery and ended with unwanted pregnancy. So, as the nearest person to the teenagers, parent should give them full attention to their children by providing them education and guidance while encouraging them to share their mind and thought so that they will have more knowledge in helping them making appopriate decision later on. This also will prevent htem from having access to such material online. This without realise give them false idea about sex.
Besides that, in order to prevent the mother from dumping the babies, they need to have a place to go to seek for help and and advice or someone care for them so that they do not feel that they are judged and persecuted just because they are having unwanted babies. Building special help center especially for these young mother might provide the lifeline they need as they are ina very desperate condition. During the care, they can be given a counselling and motivation to help them to start hte new life. They can also be taught on hoe to take care of the baby with the intention that it can help to flourish the love of the mother towards the baby. However, if they dont want the baby, there are loads of family out there looking for adoption.
Some of hte kids may not have a solid family or religious foundation to help them, but we can surely give them education in school. Sex education should not be treated as a taboo but introduced to combat the issue instead. A comprehensive education about human physical and health education program, emotion and relationship, reproductive right and responsibilities and other aspect of human sexual behaviur can be inserted into the syllabus. For hte primary school, they can be taught about hte relationship and the sensitive part of the body while for the secondary school, they can be taught about the other things that are more complicated. By this way, they can open up their mind so that they will be more aware to the emotion changes within themselves and becoming more mature to cope with it.
As a conclusion, baby dumping problem can be reduce if all of the society aware of the consequences in the future and together do our best to prevent it from continuing.
Janganla letak gambar tu.huhuhu~~ T__T